Monday, February 21, 2011

Laundry is up and running

I found a box of pottery and started gluing the peices together, there are quite a few missing but it was fun to see if I could make it look like a pot.
Me fixing the cracks in the LR ceiling. I will paint it tomorrow.

Allan helped me tear out the living room carpet Today Feb 21.

Sun set was beautiful.

Annie and I made this cool snow man Feb 20.

Tony Wright is letting me use his old ATV and I joined the ATV club.

Looks good doesn't it.

Room is mostly done now.

Monday, February 14, 2011

I kept the sink and counters but built the wall out to add R13 insulation.
Jackie's in heaven she is babysitting five days a week. Isn't he cute? 4 month old.

New plumbing and electrical for the laundry.

I found a nice hardwood floor under the lanolium.

Got the new windows in the old kitchen.

It's hard to see the wooden bowl on top but it is very cool, iron pot, old wooden boxes (Gladys says one looked like a butter mold). My black power stuff and a peace pipe I found in the dumster, a knife that Larry McCartee gave me and I made the sheath.

Kitchen junk.

Butter chern and an old table with dads' bread scale from the bakery.

More neat old tools. They must have belonged to my great grandfather Herbert Edwin Riggs.

I made this gun cabnet in High School. I think I was a junior?

Barbed wire collection. I guy that worked for dad (Dee Walls) gave them to him. I'm sure dad would like to see them displayed. Dates back to 1868.

Branding iron, log hook, drill, hay hooks, latch, handle, sheep sheers, brush, barrel spigot, clipper,pitchfork, screw driver, wrench, saw.

These are various moulding planes each cuts a unique shape.

I put some of dads "junk" on a board and hung them on the wall on the back porch.